Tuesday, February 27, 2018

TI-99/4A & HDX (Dsk2Pc)

I have been playing around with Fred Kaal's HDX server programs, for the TI-99/4a.  Just testing out the DSK2PC portion for a friend.  I don't have a windows machine, so I had to utilize Wine for Linux.

Wine Notes:
In order for an application running under Wine to see COM1, I had to had a symbolic link:
ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1

TI Steps:
  1. Boot the Extended Basic v2.7 Cart
  2. Take option [B: TI Writer/Assembler]
  3. Take option [6: RUN PROGRAM FILE]
  4. Enter: DSK1.NPDSK2PC
DSK2PC: File Sent

HDX Server: File Received

Console File Listing: On HDX server, after transfer: